Thursday, July 9, 2009

Problem Determination - High CPU strategies on Windows OS

I've been quiet the past couple of months but that is because I have an article coming out on deveoperWorks soon. I'll post a link to that when it is ready.

A colleague called me today to talk about a high CPU scenario and steps to take to try and resolve it. My first recommendation was to get thread dumps of the JVM when it hits the high CPU scenario. Then I found out the JVM is running on a Windows OS. Since it is not possible to execute a kill -3 on Windows and one has to use the script methodology with no CPU available it is tough to get a thread dump.

I suggested he collect thread dumps as the CPU starts to climb. This works if they can (a) predict when the CPU will start to climb and (b) it climbs slowly enough to be able to collect javacores along the trajectory. It sounds like the CPU can spike in a matter of seconds even at stead load volumes. Ugh.

My final thought is to reduce the thread pool max in half and rerun the test. Perhaps there are simply too many threads executing and nothing will prevent it from going 100% CPU. Though I have seen code that can drive even an 8-way to 100% with just a few threads. I'm waiting to hear back. But I think the latter strategy of reducing the thread pool max will be the best course of action for them. I expect an email in the morning.

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